• Mrs C – Client Quote January 17, 2014 - "This is far far more than I expected please pass my grateful thanks on from myself and my family. I cant thank you enough for this xx  I'm overwhelmed.  This just goes to show that there are some incredible people in our society still, I've just read your page and what you do. Unsung heroes… Continue Reading
  • S – Client Quote January 3, 2014 - "I would like to thank these kind people for the help they gave us when we were really struggling. I suffer from mental health issues and my partner had recently got a job on a zero hours contract. We had a six week wait for his first lot of wages, the Job Centre had signed… Continue Reading
  • Mrs B – Client Quote November 25, 2013 - "I would like too say to you,THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart ,for the help I got from you,when I needed it the most in my life,ive had 3 strokes,yet I was told to go back to work by dwp,I can't get outside my front door on my own,haven't since my first major… Continue Reading
  • Ms M – Client Quote November 18, 2013 - "The Biscuit fund helped me at a time in my life where I was ready to give up. I am a full time carer to my husband, as well as being a mum. We have been lucky to not be affected by the benefits cuts that have hit so many people, but even so money… Continue Reading
  • Ms H – Client Quote October 29, 2013 - Just to say a massive THANK YOU to TBF for the £50 received earlier today 29/10/13. I cannot begin to tell you how much of a difference this money will make to me and my family, I had an unexpected bill through my door that i could not afford. It was either pay it and… Continue Reading
  • Grandmother left without benefits July 10, 2007 - <p>A Grandmother in her early 50s who takes care of her Grandson full time had to give up working following a diagnosis of COPD and heart failure. &nbsp;She was in receipt of ESA, but was scored zero points at her assessment, despite being awarded PIP. &nbsp;Our agents were speaking to her on the phone and… Continue Reading