Ms M – Client Quote

“The Biscuit fund helped me at a time in my life where I was ready to give up. I am a full time carer to my husband, as well as being a mum. We have been lucky to not be affected by the benefits cuts that have hit so many people, but even so money can only go so far. The Biscuit fund were able to pull me and my family out of a huge hole, and help us pull back from the brink of destruction. And since their help, even though our money still does not stretch enough, even though I will still go days without meals to provide the best for my family, our heads have been kept above water now since we were helped.

After I was helped by TBF, as I knew several of the existing members, I was asked to come on as an agent. This is by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done, seeing the messages from people we have helped, seeing the glimmers of hope we can give, the joy we can spread, gives me the hope that there is more for humanity than we ever thought possible. TBF is an unfortunate necessity in a world where so many are left behind…” – Ms M

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