• S – Client Quote January 3, 2014 - "I would like to thank these kind people for the help they gave us when we were really struggling. I suffer from mental health issues and my partner had recently got a job on a zero hours contract. We had a six week wait for his first lot of wages, the Job Centre had signed… Continue Reading
  • Mrs B – Client Quote November 25, 2013 - "I would like too say to you,THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart ,for the help I got from you,when I needed it the most in my life,ive had 3 strokes,yet I was told to go back to work by dwp,I can't get outside my front door on my own,haven't since my first major… Continue Reading
  • Ms M – Client Quote November 18, 2013 - "The Biscuit fund helped me at a time in my life where I was ready to give up. I am a full time carer to my husband, as well as being a mum. We have been lucky to not be affected by the benefits cuts that have hit so many people, but even so money… Continue Reading
  • Ms H – Client Quote October 29, 2013 - Just to say a massive THANK YOU to TBF for the £50 received earlier today 29/10/13. I cannot begin to tell you how much of a difference this money will make to me and my family, I had an unexpected bill through my door that i could not afford. It was either pay it and… Continue Reading
  • Grandmother left without benefits July 10, 2007 - <p>A Grandmother in her early 50s who takes care of her Grandson full time had to give up working following a diagnosis of COPD and heart failure. &nbsp;She was in receipt of ESA, but was scored zero points at her assessment, despite being awarded PIP. &nbsp;Our agents were speaking to her on the phone and… Continue Reading