• Still here, after all these years! April 12, 2023 - We are still here, just super busy answering the many email requests for help we receive every single day. The constant increase in prices is putting huge demands on families that are struggling to heat their homes and put food on the table. Uncertainty around employment as well doesn't help. Added to that, it is… Continue Reading
  • Happy birthday to us January 26, 2022 - Well, would you believe that we just realised we are ten years old? And would you believe that to date we have raised and given away over £450,000? We were absolutely overwhelmed with referrals during lockdown 2020, and they didn't slow down. Since the last time we updated our blog (sorry it's been ages!) we… Continue Reading
  • A long overdue post! August 7, 2021 - It is incredibly heartening to get this kind of feedback from an external referrer and it just goes to show how sometimes even a small amount of money is enough to create a cascade of good luck and positivity. X received £50 from us. We love our work!   “I just thought you would like… Continue Reading
  • We’re still here March 10, 2021 - “Thank you; the help you give people is an absolute lifeline. But if I may, can I thank you on my own behalf. There is another area where your help is felt. It’s by the frontline staff like me- who when dealing with injustices- with people who have slipped through the nets of essential services… Continue Reading
  • Covid19 Update June 26, 2020 - Like everyone else in the UK that is not a key worker, we have been on lockdown, staying safe in our homes. Sadly though, our services were needed more than ever before during this period and we had days with record numbers of applications to us for help. People losing their jobs or placed on… Continue Reading
  • When you are forced to choose between heating or food February 26, 2020 - One of the cases we helped a while back was for a man who had recently separated from his wife. He'd found somewhere to live, but tight finances meant that he couldn't afford to put the heating on and spend money on food during the week. (Paying back advanced payments of Universal Credit meant that… Continue Reading
  • It’s February already! February 8, 2020 - Well, we raced through January here at The Biscuit Fund and before our feet could hit the ground we were in February. Throughout January we helped out lots of families that had exhausted their visits to their local food bank or were sat in cold homes in the freezing weather, shivering without money to top… Continue Reading
  • Entering 2020 January 11, 2020 - Hopefully, you all had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year if you celebrate. The Biscuit Fund monitored the emails over the holiday period just in case there was an urgent request, which there were and fortunately, we were able to help during that window when most other agencies are closed. Since we've been… Continue Reading
  • When a tiny charity suddenly becomes slightly famous (or maybe just better well-known) December 19, 2019 - It has been a very interesting week for us here, in our tiny group that is the Biscuit Fund. Mention was made of our name last week and a little bit about what we do. This was lovely, however, it also alerted other groups and organisations of our existence and we have been (virtually of… Continue Reading
  • Having to choose December 11, 2019 - Requests for our help keep coming in as the colder weather is upon us. Families struggling to choose, do they stay warm or have food to eat? It is that tough a decision. We have had to tighten our own belt as we find ourselves having to decide is this need desperate or is it… Continue Reading