Banging the drum for funding

It feels that we are always asking for the same thing, for funding. It is so important though in the work that we do. We are seeing a massive increase in the number of cases that are brought to us each day. As people begin to struggle (haven’t they been struggling for a long time though) we are noticing a parallel in the number of cases where domestic violence is also present. Unfortunately, this is the unfortunate bedfellow of poverty, of course, not everyone who lives their life on such a tight budget is miserable, but as finances become strained, no doubt tempers get pulled in all directions too. Parents have to relocate with their children in the middle of the night, unable to take belongings other than the clothes they are stood up in, (in one situation it was just pyjamas), and children are unable to take their toys that might be of comfort to them, confused and scared. Parents put on a brave face, trying to get to a place of safety, not knowing what the future might hold. They are placed in hostels or emergency accommodations usually in one bedroom in a B&B or a hotel, without access to cooking facilities. Parents are grateful that their children will at least eat at school as they don’t have food at home or the means to get any. The problem then is that maybe they have been placed some distance away from the school and there is then the cost of travel to get there. Takeaway meals are expensive if that is all you have available to you as an option for a hot meal. Food banks are also feeling the strain and having to turn people away, and without access to cooking facilities, it is not of any use. It is 2023 for goodness sake, and 2024 is around the corner, surely we won’t be facing another year like this, or will it become worse? There are no winners in this situation.

We need to be sure we can continue offering the small amount of help we offer, where we can. You can help us with this. Please consider becoming a regular donor to the Biscuit Fund, it doesn’t have to be a lot, could only be a couple of pounds a month, but together, collectively, you all make a difference. Gift aid your donation if you can and we receive 25% extra without any additional cost to you. Details of how to donate are here.

In the meantime, a bit of cheer, we received this email today from one of our agents we work with, isn’t it lovely? Warms the cockles of your heart to know that your donations are making so much difference in people’s lives.

Hi X

I just wanted to send a quick email to express my thanks to you and the team for all of your hard work. My clients are always so appreciative and your kindness makes a huge difference to them. It is absolutely amazing what the fund does and you are a light in a sometimes dark world to many people I see.

Thank you so so much and I hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year!