Our agents told us of a man who had been attending a Christmas Crisis centre for meals and stayed for both nights that the accommodation was provided. He has been sleeping rough, in his sleeping bag with no shelter at all. A friend had offered him the chance to share his tent, but it was filled with this friend’s belongings, and our agent could foresee this could cause problems. We provided £70 to be put towards purchasing him a double skinned two man tent. One was found for £50 in the sales, and the remaining £20 was put towards purchasing some essential items for him. Hopefully having the tent will mean he can stay dry, even if staying warm is more difficult, especially given how cold it has been just lately. In the long term, hopefully he will be able to secure permanent indoor accommodation.
Our agent got back in touch to let us know this
“He was so happy and the tent is epic.”
When he told me his story, and I said “there maybe a solution to this….leave it with me.” He didn’t think I was telling the truth xx
He’s so utterly happy and when I gave him the tent went all silly on me x He just couldn’t cope as he didn’t believe it was going to happen x
He’s off shopping today for supplies with the remaining £20 and for a man that didn’t smile before, he is now xx
Thank you to everyone that has donated this year to The Biscuit Fund, without your help, none of this would be possible.