DRO fees needed

A mother who is estranged from her children, whilst they are living under the guardianship of her parents.  She is struggling to keep herself together as her mental health and fear of going out is causing hardship in her life.  She is under the care of her doctor who tries to keep her taking her medication, and for a while she felt better enough to get a job, but sadly her mental health got the better of her, making her unable to leave her home and engage with people, so she lost her job.  She wants to be with her children, but knows her mental health is not good enough to allow that to happen.  She is waiting counselling to help her, but that is taking a very long time for her to move up the list for help.  In the meantime she is struggling with debt and this is only adding to her ill health, so our agents approached us for help to cover the £90 cost of the DRO fee, which we were happy to do.