From the Streets to a Proper Home

One of our Cornish Members discovered a young man who had been living rough for a year before the YMCA provided him with a flat, but he had absolutely nothing to put in it, no money for internet to approach the likes of Freegle etc, and likewise no money for electricity.  A friend had provided him with some very basic foodstuffs, but he was going to need far more to keep his body and soul attached to each other until he could sort out an income.

The Group authorised our Member in Cornwall to carry out a shopping trip for this Client, and to get his electricity up and running via the required tokens.  This came to a total of £153.76, but we weren’t going to call this one “#jobbed” until we’d sourced a bedframe for him to put his king-sized (donated) mattress onto.  A further £54.99, including delivery, sorted this part out – courtesy of our in-house eBay wizard – and the hashtag that we all love to see was then duly applied at the end of the discussion thread.

Well… actually, not quite the end, because we received two wonderful messages from the young man’s friend which once again raised the feelgood factor by a couple of orders of magnitude at TBFHQ:

“Thank you so much f or helping [him]. He is still in shock and over the moon.”


“His bed turned up this morning. 🙂 Thank you soo much. Hes over the moon x”

And if that wasn’t enough we also learned from our Cornish member that, in spite of all he has been through himself, our Client is also very interested in helping others.  That our help is going to be paid forward by a Client is something we’re really delighted to learn.