Young couple expecting a baby needing urgent help

We were approached about a young couple, she had lived her life in care, he had been brought up by his grandparents, they’d discovered she was pregnant and expecting their baby in the summer. He is working but on a zero hour contract, which is quite literally that sometimes. They are struggling to get anywhere with benefits and it was agreed they would be steered in the direction of working tax credits, although that is a minefield where zero hours contracts are concerned. She is not far enough along with the pregnancy yet to claim maternity benefits, but hopefully will be in a few weeks time.

A friend to the couple has been asking for donated baby clothes from whoever she thinks might have some to offer, and she has been able to source some nappies and also a crib, which she is buying for them second hand. They are literally choosing between paying their bills and eating, relying on food banks when they can. We agreed to send across £250 which they are going to use to do a big food shop and buy a pram for the baby when it arrives. Also as this is their first child they will be able to apply for a maternity grant to help with some purchases, and child tax credits and child benefit once the baby is born.

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