“Thank you; the help you give people is an absolute lifeline.
But if I may, can I thank you on my own behalf. There is another area where your help is felt. It’s by the frontline staff like me- who when dealing with injustices- with people who have slipped through the nets of essential services – are faced with the trauma of going home at night, having to leave their client without food, without dignity, without hope.
The Biscuit Fund provides immediate aid and in doing so prevents the pain and helplessness we feel at these times. It lets us sleep at night, knowing that a clients absolute need has been filled. There can be times in frontline work where the continual rejection of support is so wearing- and the positivity that your help brings, gives resilience for us to fight another day in the knowledge that there IS someone out there that cares. You are so appreciated. Thank you.
With very best wishes,