This case was a frustrating one. A young mother is trying to keep herself and her children afloat, working and being ‘assisted’ by Universal Credit. She has rent arrears, owes money to her family and to her childminder. She is paid minimum wage and has rent, etc to pay. She is supposed to be topped up by Universal Credit, but her payments are being cut because they say she is earning too much. She has tried to get some advice but isn’t fairing too well in the area of the country she lives and ended up being given some advice printed off the Internet that she could have found herself. Our agent has helped her write an email to her local MP to get some help and support with her case with the DWP, because when she phoned them up and was on the phone for an hour, as soon as she said she wanted to lodge a formal complaint they hung up the phone on her. We agreed to send her £100, plus an extra £50 for the children.