Our agents contacted us about a lady who had been reassessed for PIP and had failed the assessment. An award of PIP protects a person from the benefit cap, so the loss of her PIP award means that she now has to suddenly find an extra £120 per month for her rent and council tax. Both her adult sons live at home with her, so non-dependent deductions are made, hence the need to pay the £120 per month. Both sons were at college, so had some income from student loans, but this has now stopped, so the eldest son has been forced to sign on for Universal Credit, but the younger son did not want to because the stigma associated with signing on. We agreed we would offer some help but we wanted the mum to encourage the younger son to put his concerns to one side and apply for Universal Credit himself, this will at least give him some income to help the family out. We agreed to send across £150 to help them out until their payments come through.