Young Mum frustrated by Universal Credit Application

A Mum of a young daughter was working part-time in a supermarket, 7.5 hours per week, claiming child tax credits, child benefit and some financial support from her ex partner.  Struggling to make ends meet she applied for Universal Credit to top her payments up, but this brought her existing payments to a halt and she faces a long wait while her claim is processed.  In the meantime her rent payments have fallen behind as her housing benefit was one of those that stopped being paid.  Her landlord annoyed that the rent isn’t being paid has been threatening the mum, causing her to become very concerned.  She has been unable to go into work because she needs to put her daughter into the breakfast club at school, but without the money to pay for it, she can’t access the scheme.  Her bank account was a little overdrawn, £24, so we agreed to send her £125, to clear the overdraft and allow her and her daughter to have some money for food.  Our agents are going to help her regarding the landlord situation as they are not allowed to threaten her like this and must follow the official route.