Vulnerable woman left in a mess following mix up with courts

We were contacted urgently yesterday about a very vulnerable woman who turned up at courts yesterday morning at 9.30am for a hearing, her paperwork, everything prepared ready for her. Upon arrival, she found out that there had been a last minute, 4pm the day before, change to a different court and she would be physically (even with a time machine) unable to get there. Our agents pleaded with the courts for an adjournment which was granted, but for one day only, so the hearing would be today instead. There had been a mix up with the Barristers representing this lady, as they had telephoned to inform her of the change on an old, no longer functioning mobile number, so she’d never received it. Our agents, all volunteers and financially strapped for cash asked if it was possible to provide some funds to allow this lady and our agent to travel to the court via train. We sent across enough money to cover their train fares, plus a bit extra to pay for them to have a sandwich lunch as they would be out most of the day.