Teacher in need of our help

Our agents contacted us about a qualified teacher who has been battling depression for the past 15 years. He has been doing some supply teaching but it is only a day here and there. He is currently claiming Universal Credit for a single person, yet has shared responsibility for his 11 year old son. Consequently he is trying to feed two people on £73.10 per week and cover his bills out of that as well. Our agents have been supporting him and realised that he does not have a lot of furniture. They have managed to get a bed for his son, and also a gas cooker, but the cooker needs to be properly installed, and needed help to pay for this as it is beyond their client to be able to pay for it and they had investigated all the grant funding they were aware of, but the process was going to take far too long. They knew we could act quickly if we were in agreement, which we were happy to do. This means that he will finally have a functioning cooker for when his son comes to stay in the summer holidays.