Single mum of 1 unable to access benefits

We were approached about a single mum of a five year old child.  She is a Polish National who settled here in the UK in 2008 where she was working until she moved to support her older child in college and subsequently lost her job.  Previously she was in receipt of income support and child tax credits, as well has housing and council tax benefit.  However she has had to put in a claim for Universal Credit instead and has now been told she is no longer entitled to any benefits other than child benefit and the £60 a week she receives in maintenance from her child’s father.  She is now in arrears with her rent, and hasn’t received benefits since April this year.  Our agents are assisting her with applying for settled status and are hopeful this can be resolved quickly so she can be in receipt of Universal Credit.  In the meantime the lady is working with her job coach towards setting herself up in business as a florist.  We agreed to send the family £100 as a boost towards food and fuel.