We were approached about a lady, a single mother to a young lad who has Cystic Fibrosis. She herself suffers with mental health and mobility issues, which have become much worse following the breakdown of her relationship with the boy’s father, resulting in her becoming suicidal. She tried to make sure that her and her son’s first Christmas alone would be a good one, but this has backfired as she has no money for gas or electricity or food. Professionals working with her have become very concerned about the state of her mental health and her long term welfare. We were asked if we could contribute something to allow her to buy some gas and electricity. We agreed between us that we would send across £150 to help them both out, allow the purchase of some energy to heat the house, and some essential food. Our agents commented that when they told her she’d taken to her bed in an effort to try to stay warm, but was really grateful for the offer of help.