A lady we were aware of had been struggling to manage in the rented property she was in, her ill health meant that her existing home was no longer suitable, and she desperately needed to move to a bungalow. A suitable property came up and all was fine, apart from the fact that she had to move with only a weeks notice. She was so stressed out about the situation, “how could she possibly be expected by housing to be able to move without giving the full notice on her existing home?” She is someone who has been through so much, losing two close family members only a few months ago, yet she always steps up and tries to lift others spirits when they are down. We were honoured to be able to offer some help towards the situation.
The paperwork is now signed, and she moves any day. The hard work for her now begins as she has to pack up her life and move to her new place, where hopefully she will be happier and better able to cope.