Overwhelming debt crisis

We were approached about a lady who had worked for the past 30 years, and had, as we mostly do, come to rely on her usual money coming in each month. She had suffered with depression for a while, but it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore and carry on, so she ended up unable to continue with her job. This left her signing on for Employment Support Allowance, and at the moment she is only on the pre-assessment rate of £73.10 per week. She and her 18 year old son, currently on a full time course and unable to claim any benefits in his own name are trying to exist on this meagre sum.
Sadly her debts were building up, and although she was trying to keep everyone happy by paying here and there where she could, it had all become too much. This is where we stepped in and we have sent across a cheque for £90 to the agency that are supporting her, so that she can apply for a debt relief order, together with £80 directly to them, so that they can have £40 each to go towards food and energy payments.

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