Our Client is a lady who failed her ESA Assessment in April and was consequently found fit for work. Her mental health is not good, and when she phoned up the DWP to query this, she believed she was doing the Mandatory Reconsideration for her ESA assessment, but they told her it had to be done in writing (which is not true), unfortunately this didn’t happen and so her assessment wasn’t reconsidered. She has been claiming Job Seekers the past few week, but is really struggling and attempted suicide four weeks ago. She lives with her son who is in his late teens, and he himself has also failed his ESA assessment, so has no income whatsoever, so she is struggling to keep them both on the tiny amount she has coming in. The last payment she received, it all went on food and electricity and she is fast running out and won’t have enough to last them both until when she receives her next payment. We sent over £100 to tide them over.