Lady loses ESA

We were approached about a lady who has recently had her Employment Support Allowance payments off her by the DWP because they believe she is living with her ex-partner.  He is in fact living back with his mother, who has confirmed this to the DWP, but so far they have not reversed their decision.  The lady is forced to live on just her Personal Independence Payments, which is not much at all.  The lady suffers with severe mental health issues and often sees and hears people that others around her don’t see.  Her ex-partner still helps care for her when things get tough and it looks like someone has been under the impression they are living together and have possibly reported her to the DWP.  The stress of all this has meant that she failed to respond to a housing and council tax benefit letter, so the support for both of those has now also stopped.  The lady has been accessing the food bank and is only entitled to one further visit there.  She has had an emergency top up on her gas and electric, but again, this cannot be repeated.  We offered to send her £150 to allow her to buy some food and top up her energy meters.