Help was needed for a family that arrived here in the UK back in 2011. The parents separated for a while and lived their lives, however the father became dependant on alcohol in 2017 and was unable to work as a result. He claimed for Employment Support Allowance and joined a detox programme which has resulted in him giving up alcohol completely. Shortly after the couple moved back in together but have now realised that this was a mistake and they should have stayed apart. The wife is now considered homeless and is waiting to secure accommodation for her and their teenage children. Both parents have submitted separate claims for Universal Credit, and despite them having worked almost continuously since they arrived in the UK in 2011 they are both having to fulfil a habitual residency test. The initial test they failed and the first claim was cancelled. They are now claiming again, and need to wait for the result of the habitual residency test before they can make an advanced claim on the Universal Credit. The Mother now works part-time, 16 hours per week but it is not enough money to keep a household of four going. We agreed to send over £150 to allow them to purchase energy and fuel.