We were asked to help a single man in his 40s who has been a victim of domestic violence, which he feels very embarrassed and very vulnerable about as a result. He left with nothing but the clothes he was wearing, the police and social services were involved, yet his ex partner destroyed all his clothes and belongings leaving him with only what he stood up in. He has secured a small flat which he is renting, but it is unfurnished and his benefits do not stretch to cover being able to purchase what he needs. He is currently in receipt of benefits because he has degenerative disc issues which means he is unable to work. He wants to be able to have his children visit him, but he has nowhere for them to sit, nor is able to prepare any food. We have signposted our agents to places in his area he can source preloved and donated items and sent across to him £80 so that he can use that money to buy some of the bits and pieces he needs. Hopefully he will be able to get hold of some bigger items from places that help the vulnerable with household items, as well as other places like Freecycle.