We are approached about a lady who is living alone in a three bedroom house. She has an issue with vermin in the property, is unable to climb the stairs, so sleeps downstairs on the sofa, and is unable to get in and out of the bath unassisted. She is currently without any practical in person support to help her with keeping clean, so has hygiene issues. She has been trying for a long time to get moved to a smaller more suitable property, but her landlords are refusing to help her until her debts are cleared for the extra bedrooms (this is due to the bedroom tax for the unoccupied rooms). She has been diagnosed with mental and physical health difficulties and has made many threats of ending her own life due to the levels of stress she is under. She is now being supported by our agents, plus she has a social worker who is putting things into place to turn her life around. Our agents are confident that applying on her behalf for a Debt Relief Order to get her outstanding debts sorted is the best way to go forward, as this would be life changing for her. We agreed to cover the £90 fee to allow this to happen.