Our case on this occasion is a young mum whose daughter has been in hospital for some time. The daughter has finally been released from hospital, but while there had to have limb removal surgery. The mother is now able to focus her attention on their finances and has realised that while she was back and forth to the hospital, her benefits payments have been changed and she has been put on to Universal Credit. Not only that, but the payments they have been making to her are incorrect, and she is due to be paid the shortfall. This they are having to apply for via a mandatory reconsideration which is going to take some time to resolve. Her gas and electric payments have fallen into arrears and she is now in debt with them. Our agents are assisting their client with the mandatory reconsideration to get the benefits paid in full, and are applying to the energy fund to get her arrears sorted out. We agreed to send her £130 to help her out until her benefits are paid correctly.